The New Hooves - Gli zoccoli nuovi (2013) Awarded Documentary

Set in Italy, the film is about relationships between donkeys and men, a tale that goes through the 1900's.


Directed and edited by       DANIELE MARZEDDU
Cinematography                 DANIELE MARZEDDU, PAOLORESTE GELFO
Director Assistants                PAOLORESTE GELFO, ETTORE SALVIATO
Sound design                       PIETRO TIRELLA & ALBERTO TRANCHIDA
Production                            ITALY, 2013. DANIELE MARZEDDU/NOSARCHIVES.COM
Lenght                                   27 min.
Genre                                   Ethnographic documentary
Aspect Ratio                         4 : 3


Best Documentary at “Nos Archive” Festival, Rome, 2013

Selected at:  

Diver-City Festival 2017, Exeter, UK

Respect Festival 2017, Exeter, UK

“World Donkey Day” 8th May 2014 , Empoli, Florence, Italy

Camaiore FilmFestival 2014

International Audiovisual Award of Biodiversity, Festival delle Terre 2014. 

Sardinia International Film Festival 2014

“Le notti orfeoniche” Documentary Festival, Bologna, 2014

Mizzica Film Festival 2014

MAV 2014 Materiali di Antropologia Visiva.
Rome, Museo Nazionale delle Arti e Tradizioni Popolari
27-29 november 2014

Gli zoccoli nuovi - The New Hooves (2013) is an awarded documentary by Daniele Marzeddu. The film won a the prize as the Best Documentary from "Il gusto della memoria" Festival, in 2013. The story is set in Italy and tells about the relationship between donkeys and men, a tale that goes through the 1900.